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Mid-term evaluation of the Research, Development and Innovation programme for Egypt. This EUR11m programme provides grants to innovation partnership projects between private sector and research institutions, develops national S&T innovation policy and facilitates Egypt's participation in the European Research Area. Report makes a number of recommendations on improved programme management including procurement support and private sector participation in policy development
National evaluation of business support services in Ghana was carried out for the Commonwealth Secretariate in May/June 2010. At the end of this research period a number of specific initiatives to improve the delivery of BSS were agreed. During Sept/Oct 2010 training events covering ICT in business, understanding business plannning and strategic management consultany for key staff of BSS organisations was delivered to enhance their ability to deliver the agreed changes to BSS. Final evaluation of the SFA 2005 Programme for St Vincent and the Grenadines, Dominica and Grenada. This programme supported the introduction of ICT to help diversify the economy through legislative change, e-government measures, ICT training, business incubation and advice services. Responsible for evaluation of the business incubation and advice component, the ICT training and capacity building component and supporting the reporting on the whole programme.
Enhanced Business Performance Programme:  The EBPP is a commercial internet based subscription system for management consultants targeted at the European transition economies. The system provides subscribers with a methodology and tools to assist SME clients undertake a strategic change programme. The subscribing consultants are backed up by an online training and coaching system, together with the continuous updating and extension of the tools developed for the programme. 

Cultural Heritage and Tourism programme of the GAP region Turkey: 42 is providing a significant technical input as a sub-contractor to this major EU financed programme. The project will assist in developing a strategy for cultural development and implement a 12 MEURO Cultural Heritage Fund. Services delivered include advice on the planning and management of the technical assistance team and design and supervision of the grant-monitoring programme. Finally, a small team of Turkish consultants will be trained and managed to provide a management development programme to the projects in receipt of grant aid.
Gap analysis of SME Development support in Bosnia for USAID: 42 provided the SME and Human Resources specialist on a 5-person international team carrying out a comprehensive review of SME development support in BiH. The results of the study were presented to a 2-day Donor conference attended by over 140 delegates drawn from a wide range of donor programmes active in the country. Subsequently, the analysis has been formulated into a final report to assist USAID plan the next stage of its intervention in the country.
Tailored training on managing European Structural Funds: 42 provided the team leader for a six-person team training one of the Key Latvian organisations (Central Finance and Contracting Unit) that will administer structural funds following EU membership in May 2004. The training was in organisational development skills, to assist the senior staff in a substantial expansion of their organisation from its current Phare management role (100% staff increase) plus technical training in the specifics of Structural Fund management. 
Framework for Economic Restructuring in Ignalina, Visaginas and Zarasai Municipalities", Lithuania: This Phare funded programme was established to assist the regional and municipal governments to create a major programme to tackle both the declining rural economy and the dislocation to be caused by the closure of the Ignalina Nuclear Power Plant. Programme focused on creating a major regeneration drive actively involving local residents and organisations that highlighted the areas attractions for inward investment, instigated major retraining services and supported new SME development especially in high tec sectors of the economy. 
Policy Advice to the Ministry of Economy of R.O. Macedonia: This four-month project assisted the Ministry to restructure its services to reflect the new priorities of the Government that emphasis SME development as the backbone to economic development of the country. The project helped prepare the Ministry to work with a major EU financed package starting in September 2004 and integrate the government's policy with the USAID programme starting in June
Evaluation of the EU Phare SME Development Programme in Macedonia 1997-2002. This was a major Phare programme of EUR8.9M and established a national agency, micro-credit programme, national accountancy training and a network of local agencies providing support services direct to SMEs. the evaluation highlighted a number of significant achievements, especially in micro-credit, and identified a number of Best Practice lessons for future advise service development in the country 
Eestablishment and operation of the SME development strategy in Kosovo:.
. 42 provided the Project Director, Training and legal advise for this major programme that introduced a number of major changes, includinglegal environment, creation of a Kosovo SME consultative structure, development of the Ministry of Trade & Industry Private Sector Development Unit, SME training programmes, improving access to credit and the establishment of a network of local advisory services supported by a central internet based information service. This 2.2 million Euro project launched in April 2001 provides a 12-person team supplying significant inputs to SME development in Kosovo.
China Project Development Facility, World Bank. The contract was to provide support to two main programmes of CPDF. Firstly, support to the Investment Services Group in defining their marketing and delivery strategies and training staff in the implementation of the Investment Service for SMEs. Secondly, to provide training and support to five local consultancy practices working with CPDF to deliver a comprehensive organisational change programme to medium sized enterprises.                                            Southeast Europe Enterprise Development (SEED): 42 supplied a specialist advisor to this facility of the World Bank Group that covers Albania, BiH, Macedonia and Yugoslavia. The contract was to identify and develop local management consultancy practices capable of providing sub-contract services to SEED within its Investment Services programme targeting medium sized enterprises. The project identified and contracted fifteen local consultancy practices and developed them to the point where projects are being successfully delivered. To support the programme a special project management system was designed and implemented; based around standard methodologies, project planning software and management through an intranet site tailored to the teams' requirements.
